Saturday, February 2, 2019

Photos Jenni Esber, Beautiful Syrian Women, Actress 2019

Photos Jenni Esber, Beautiful Syrian Actress ,- Jenni Esber, the famous Syrian actress, Miss expatriates in Ukraine 1996 and one of the most beautiful women in front of cameras. Jenni was born in Ukraine/Dantsyk/ and then traveled to her country with family to be one of the most well-renowned beauties.

Born: August 20, 1980
Height: 1.73 m

Jenni Esber

Jenni Esber

Jenni Esber

Jenni Esber

Jenni Esber

Jenni Esber

Jenni Esber

Jenni Esber

Jenni Esber

Jenni Esber

Jenni Esber

Jenni Esber

Jenni Esber

Jenni Esber

Jenni Esber

News and Interesting Tips
You're Smarter Than You Think, If You Have These 7 Things

Intelligence may not look like a beautiful dress or face, but all recognize that intellectual level is an important point that makes a person more visible.

But sometimes measuring how high an intellectual person can be quite difficult. Because in fact the characteristics of a person with high intellectuals are not only about numbers. Here are some signs that you have a high intelligence.

Mental illness
The relationship between mental illness and high intelligence is actually quite slim. People with mental illness such as schizophrenia and bipolar actually have thoughts that are far out of bounds and unlike most people. A study shows that certain proteins associated with brain intelligence cells are also closely related to bipolar and schizophrenia.

Angry people may be cursing or misuh-misuh. At first glance, this is not the habit of smart people, because it emits emotions in a bad way. But it turns out a study published in the Language Studies shows that the cursing people have more vocabulary in their brain, which indicates high intelligence.

Likes to take risks
Research in Finland found that people who like challenges and risk-taking tend to have high intelligence. Research using test drives to measure it, and people who like to take the risk when driving turned out to have more intelligence.

Research from Florida Gulf Coast University found that smarter people are more lazy because they have a long range of focus and attention. But do not make reference too, because people are lazy does not mean intelligent.

The order of birth
Be happy that you are the first child, because you are more mature and intelligent. A study published in The National Bereau of Economic Research dictates that the eldest child tends to have more rules and more mature in thought, especially regarding academic affairs.

Cat lover
Research from Carroll University analyzed 600 students and found that those who become cat lovers have a higher IQ score than dog lovers.

Open-minded and free
A review of 35 scientific studies found that people with naturalistic ideas or broad and open views of many things tend to be smarter than those who are too religious.

So, do you think you have some of the above, ladies? Proud of it, because actually you are smarter than what you think.
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